Thursday, March 10, 2016

A Found Farewell To Kim's Video, R.I.P. 2014

A Farewell to Kim's video.

Kim's Video Closed Doors Permanently in the Summer of 2014!

I shot a video short with Actor Rick Poli a month before Kim's Video closed. 

Actor Rick Poli was a regular customer at Kim's Video.


A Farewell To Kim's Video, by Jonathan C. Aguirre

Youngman Kim Owner. 

Article from The New York Times

click here to read

Me at Kim's Video, 2014

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Amazing KRESKIN


Kreskin & The Soup Queen!

Here is a real cheesy clip of  Kreskin & The Wacky Soup Queen of Brooklyn NY, 2015, I don't know who shot this, but it looks like Kreskin must be slumming it these days, here he is doing his old mind reading act with the Wacky Soup Queen.


Click Here to Watch!

Me & Kreskin, 2015